Airbus factory in Hamburg, Germany In Hamburg, Menard signed one of its most important soil improvement contracts for the consolidation of the ‘quasi-liquid’ muck under the 1,200,000 m² platform for the A380 assembly factory. Menard was in charge of the planning of the whole works and designing and executing the soil improvement using [...]
Gemalink Container Terminal, Vietnam
coralielaval2022-11-28T17:17:36+01:00Gemalink Container Terminal, Vietnam Gemalink is a container terminal on the Cai Mep River in Vung Tau in Vietnam. It will receive ultimately 80,000 DWT vessels that will dock along a 600 m long danish quay. Phase 1 covers 20 Ha storage facilities (container yards, administration, workshop, etc.). The area was mostly a [...]
Jangyoo sewage treatment plant, South Korea
coralielaval2022-11-28T17:12:45+01:00Jangyoo sewage treatment plant, South Korea One of the most impressive Menard VacuumTM work sites was in South Korea in the Pusan area. The technique was used to consolidate the soils under a sewage treatment plant located in a vast alluvial plain with 20 m to 43 m of compressible soft deposits (clay [...]
Fisherman Island, Port of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
coralielaval2022-11-28T15:17:00+01:00Fisherman Island, Port of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia In 2009 the largest single-stage treatment of Menard VacuumTM consolidation technique was installed as part of Port of Brisbane’s Fisherman Island expansion project. A significant increase of the Port of Brisbane capacity had been planned, by reclaiming an additional 235 ha of land. Further to the [...]
Ca Mau power plant, Vietnam
coralielaval2022-11-28T11:38:50+01:00Ca Mau power plant, Vietnam Menard consolidated a 240,000 m² platform on which the Ca Mau power plant (two 750 MW units) was built, 360 km south of Hô Chi Minh-City, by the Cai Tau river near the Khanh village. Using a combination of two Menard techniques, the Menard Vacuum™ system and vertical [...]
Decontamination of the « Stade de France » in Saint-Denis, France
coralielaval2022-04-21T12:43:30+02:00Decontamination of the « Stade de France » in Saint-Denis, France