Dynamic compaction

Shopping centre in Bucharest, Romania


Shopping centre in Bucharest, Romania  On an old landfill, the shopping centre on the outskirts of Bucharest was built using different Menard techniques: stone columns for the deeper layers, Dynamic Compaction and Dynamic Replacement pillars for the top soils. Combining these methods enabled the 40,000 m² building to be built on shallow foundations. [...]

Nice Airport, France


Iconic project : Nice airport, France Deepest dynamic compaction application (27 m, 4,000 tm energy) on the Nice airport, France project The 'giga-machine' was designed and custom-built for this site The challenge was to compact 20,000,000 m³ of land reclamation while maintaining air traffic. The 'giga-machine' was designed and custom-built for this job. The [...]

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